Gay Marriage: Billy Graham’s Son Blasts Obama

Gay Marriage: Billy Graham’s Son Blasts Obama

Saturday, July 4, 2015 5:50 pm

Margaret Conway (L) is kissed by her wife Rea Carey after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the U.S. Constitution provides same-sex couples the right to marry at the Supreme Court in Washington June 26, 2015.

Margaret Conway (L) is kissed by her wife Rea Carey after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the U.S. Constitution provides same-sex couples the right to marry at the Supreme Court in Washington June 26, 2015.

In a report published by, Rev. Franklin Graham, son to famous Evangelist Billy Graham fired a salvo at President Barack Obama over gay marriage that has become institutionalised in the US.

“God will judge him (Obama) and us as a nation if we don’t repent,” the younger Graham said.

“There has been an incredible shift in attitudes across the country,’” Graham quoted Obama as saying, but noted that the shift was nothing to celebrate.

“But it is definitely not a shift for the good of America.”

“The shift in attitudes he refers to is the moral decline we are seeing manifest daily around us,” Graham wrote, referring to Americans’ growing proclivity to embrace a Leftist immoral agenda — rather than stand by God’s moral code.

He noted that Americans are now not only tolerating behaviors declared as sin in the Bible — they are celebrating them, while encouraging those who have led the revolt against biblical morality to keep up the “good” fight for “equality.”

”Accepting wrong as right — accepting sin as something to be proud of — yes, that’s definitely a shift,” Graham stressed.

Franklin Graham echoed Ruth Graham, his late mother’s instincts when she said;“If God doesn’t punish America for this (Gay legalisation) then he owes SODOM and Gomorrah an apology”.

The 2012 statement by Ruth is now trending on social media.

In a report by Huffington Post, Billy Graham wrote a prayer letter to America in which he shares his dismay. The letter, which can be seen on Billy Graham Evangelical Association website, as the online medium put it, starts with a memory of Ruth, his deceased wife, who was reading a chapter about the moral decline of America in a book the Rev. Graham wrote several years ago. In his prayer letter Rev. Graham writes:

“When she (Ruth) finished a section describing the terrible downward spiral of our nation’s moral standards and the idolatry of worshiping false gods such as technology and sex, she startled me by exclaiming, “If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”

Since that time, according to Rev. Graham, America has only gotten worse.

“Our society strives to avoid any possibility of offending anyone—except God. Yet the farther we get from God, the more the world spirals out of control. My heart aches for America and its deceived people.”

Sodom and Gomorah is a story in the Bible (Genesis) where God destroyed two cities: Sodom and Gomorah because of same sex marriage and bestiality.

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  • tdvtt says:

    Christianity did not need one more prophetic nut case but it just got one! When Franklin calls himself a Christian, he takes the Lord’s name in vain. Repent Franklin, lest you be the recipient of the evil you are predicting for America.

  • hoaxdetector says:

    (One other thing just to mention — the Genesis account of Sodom and Gomorrah does nor say anything about either same sex marriage or bestiality. The Bible strongly disapproves of both, and so do I, but neither one is mentioned in the Genesis account of Sodom and Gomorrah. The account in Genesis does refer to attempted homosexual rape, but not to same sex marriage or bestiality.)

  • hoaxdetector says:

    There’s crucial factual error here — Ruth Graham made that comment decades ago, long before 2012, and she did not make it in reference to gay legalization (that question wasn’t even part of the national discussion back then). The year 2012 was when Billy Graham wrote a letter recalling her long-ago statement, and in his letter he never referred to homosexuality or the gay rights issue at all, social media misquotes notwithstanding. In fact, in his letter he specifically referenced a Scripture passage from the prophet Ezekiel about Sodom & Gomorrah that does not speak of homosexuality. The only specific example he used in the letter about America’s moral decay was the prevalence of abortion in America. My point is that a lot of people posting comments online about Ruth Graham’s quote and Billy Graham’s 2012 letter haven’t bothered to read the letter or check the facts.

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